I am proud to inform you that the 7th edition in the series ‘Wanders in the Wide World’ has been published entitled ‘De Zeven Zuidoost Gelderse Trees’.
This is, again in collaboration with André Wanders, another richly illustrated book, full color, 263 pages in size and costs only € 32.10. And it is of course also provided with an extensive index of keywords and a table of contents.
The family trees are:
Eldrik – Wehl – Pannerden – Didam – Millingen tree (chapter 5) from around 1700;
Wijnbergen (Doetinchem – Wehl tree (chapter 6) from circa 1715;
Wijnbergen (Doetinchem) – Randwijk – The Hague tree (chapter 7) from 1735-1755;
Velp – The Hague tree (chapter 8) from 1760;
Aerdt – (Old) Zevenaar tree (chapter 9) even from 1655-1677;
Miste (Winterswijk) tree (chapter 10), the second eldest from 1550-1580;
Meddo (Winterswijk) tree (chapter 11) the eldest from around 1530!
What about chapters 1 to 4? Well…..
- is a “Foreword”
2. Describes ‘The history of over 48 years of genealogical research’ in which all previous publications have been included since 1982;
3. ‘Four theories about the origin of the name’ in which the latest insights are included;
4. “The seven Southeast Gelderland trees: an introduction”: a try to establish possible connections between the different trees due to the fact that they originate in the same region.
The printing-on-demand book can be ordered via www.amazon.de. Enter the search term Wanders in the Wide World and you will see all expenses so far. Or via the attached link:
https://www.amazon.de/Wanders-Wide-World-Zuidoost-Gelderse/dp/B08RBRV6J2/ref=sr_1_5?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid = 1I97TSIAGXUZW & dchild = 1 & keywords = wanders + in + the + wide + world & qid = 1610886018 & sprefix = wanders + in + the + wide% 2Caps% 2C154 & sr = 8-5